$237.00 USD

Buyer + Seller Guides Bundled with Email Templates

Talk about value! Two of our favorite products bundled in one!

RG + CO. Buyer + Seller Guides have always been our most requested product!  Sure, you could start from scratch and create both of these presentations on your own but let's look at the cost to do that.

  • 30+ years of experience and 25+ iterations of these guides plus hundreds of clients secured using them- PRICELESS
  • Graphic Designer- $3,500
  • Professional Copywriter- $1,000
  • Photographer- $1,000 

TOTAL VALUE OF $5,500, for the guides alone!

The guides are also so much more than just templates! Professionally designed and written, these guides offer a turnkey solution to a very elevated buyer and seller presentation. Each has proven to yield results. 

RG + CO. Email Templates

One of the biggest game-changers in running an efficient business.

50+ fully customizable, comprehensive, and designed to cover every aspect of working with a Buyer, Seller, and coop agent— from initial contact to closing to post-closing communications. These templates were born out of the desire to streamline my real estate business, help my team work more efficiently, and create a consistent client experience.

What People Are Saying:

Cannot believe I did not start using email templates sooner. Thank you so much for sharing these.

Your guides are exceptional.